Let’s talk about stress baby, let’s talk about you and me…
Hello my Goddesses and Gods; I’ve come to check on you and lend an ear for how you’re doing. We’ve been in 2020 for what feels like 3 years now and I know it’s taking a toll on us all in some way, shape or form.
I, for one, have had a stressful couple of weeks which I am trying my best to get a handle on. I made a declaration last night that I wouldn’t allow anything to cause me stress this week. Sometimes it’s hard because we can’t always control things outside of us that cause us to feel stressed, but we can control how we respond to it or if we give it our attention. I want you to try to do the same and give yourself gentle reminders when you need to.
Let me know how you’re doing and if you need help trying to manage because you are never alone.

My mood today was 💛💚.
I’ll be back next week with another #MentalHealthMonday note.
Stay Golden,